The Rainbow Pink Candy Crush edible kale doesn’t just look amazing in your garden - it’ll bring some colour to your plate as well! The fantastic purple colour actually stays after preparation. Whether you bake, steam, wok or boil this purple kale: the colour will last.
That said, the taste is a bit milder than that of your standard kale, which makes it perfectly suited for a very yummy mushroom risotto!
Preparation time: 45 minutes
Ingredients (serves 2)
150 - 200 gr risotto
8 Rainbow Pink Candy Crush leaves
200 gr chestnut mushrooms
1 onion
1 garlic clove (or 2, the more, the better!)
600 ml vegetable stock
50 ml white wine
Grated Parmesan
Olive oil
Baking butter
Start off by rinsing the kale and set it aside. Chop the onion and shortly fry the onion in a pot with some olive oil or a small bit of baking butter. Bake until the onion is translucent and set aside.
Clean the mushrooms and divide them into fours.
Fry the mushroom over medium heat (use the pot you used for the kale and unions for an extra tasty end result!). Set aside once golden brown.
Time for the kale! Use the same pan to shortly fry the kale - a few minutes will do.
Return the onion to the pan, and add the risotto rice. Stir well, and add the wine. After a few minutes it’s time to add the stock: keep stirring regularly! Has all the stock been absorbed? Then it’s time to add the kale and mushrooms to your dish.
Spoon the risotto onto plates or bowls, and finish this yummy dish off with some grated Parmesan cheese.